Monday, May 9, 2011

expectations are biases.

I expected Florida to be hot, boring, plastic. My friend Scott had been trying to make me visit there for a few years, but it was only this month that I accepted his offer to stay in his condo in Fort Lauderdale. I wanted to go somewhere for a holiday, but not to spend a lot of money on it, so Scott's idea came in handy. The nine days in Florida just snapped away. I don't think I have ever enjoyed a more wonderful holiday, seen so much beauty around me, been in better company, indulged in all summer joys and laughs. From this day on I will never ever resist going any place because I have negative expectations about it. I hope the chances to travel are still ahead of me, and I will grab them, trying not to have any expectations. Perhaps some other place works magic on me like Florida has, or perhaps I go to the sunny state again :) So many things left unseen!